The idea behind My Blossom has changed my life

Speechbubble says hi!
Julia from My Blossom
I’m Julia, founder of My Blossom, mother of a happy young boy, start up founder and manager. I’m sure you are familiar with this: Working on building a successful career, managing a family, managing your daily life… and in the midst of all of this forgetting about your own needs, your hopes and your dreams? Exactly this is how my life looked like up until a few years ago.
Julia sits on a bench together with her son

2014 was the year in which all of this changed: My first marriage broke apart, I had to move house twice, I was stuck in a stressful corporate job – and continuously ignored warning signs my body was sending.

Illustration with butterflies

A few days before Christmas my breakdown happened: I woke up in the emergency room and was fighting for my life. Destiny had sent me a wake up call. I had lost so much the connection between my body and my mind that I had completely ignored a dangerous tubal pregnancy.

For many many years I had dreamed of having a baby. And now this dream had almost turned into my own death sentence.

How could that have happened? I was searching for answers, but I knew the answer was me not being connected with my own needs. I knew I needed the time now to heal physically and emotionally.

Ralph - Co-Founder / CPO


Co-Founder / CPO

“My Blossom helps you in navigating through your life with a much healthier and happier lifestyle.”

Whenever my life became too stressful, I leaned into Yoga, Pilates and Meditation to find my balance. But I was used to doing this only in studio environments. And since after my surgery I could’t go back to a studio any time soon, I started searching for a mix of all of these disciplines online. I found a lot of programs on YouTube and quite a few apps – but there was no platform which combined all these elements into one and was based on a training program for healing, understanding my emotions and continuously connecting me with my happiest self. So I decided to develop such an app by myself. At this point in time I had already built a few apps in my corporate job. So I knew how to tackle such a challenge. And I had the right people around me to help me turn this dream into reality. This is how My Blossom was born.
My Blossom has empowered me to connect with my happiest self – and I want you to experience this too.
Marc - Co-Founder



“My Blossom combines our love for Yoga and Pilates with wonderful techniques of mindfulness and positivity.”


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Scientifically tested:
My Blossom increases well-being and reduces stress

The key question of our survey:
Is there evidence of positive effects on subjective well-being as well as stress experience in healthy adults in Germany after using the My Blossom app as a mindfulness-based intervention for 3 weeks?

Illustration of the studies on the effectiveness My Blossom



Would you like to learn more? Access our study here